Public Keynote Speeches at the Grand Forum, 05.06.-08.06.2023
As part of the Grand Forum in Schwäbisch Gmünd, there will be two public lectures on Jewish heritage. Both events are hybrid and can be attended digitally with prior registration. To do so, please send an email with your participation request to by June 22nd, 2023.
- June 6th, 2023, 2 pm: Jewish or Common Heritage? (Dis-)Appropriation of the Archaeology of Jerusalem – Gunnar Lehmann
Meeting-ID: 644 8243 1858
Kenncode: 870527
- June 7th, 2023, 2 pm: Who Needs Cultural Heritage? From Lieux to Milieux de Mémoire and the Meaning of the Past – Jessica Roda
Meeting-ID: 635 7332 9694
Kenncode: 457695
For further Information click here.
May 22nd, 2023