Reflexivity and Bodies of Knowledge – Discursivation of Cultural Heritage
Within the subordinated Forum “Reflexivity and Bodies of Knowledge—Discursivation of Cultural Heritage” central questions of the program will be discussed. This includes reflections on how Jewish cultural heritage must be redefined, understood, and handled. Especially, issues of participation regarding Jewish stakeholders in processes of patrimonialization — against the backdrop of changing social and political circumstances — will be considered.
Within this forum, research projects of different Clusters get in contact, intending a mutual change of perspective and accomplishing new insights. Following this, the forum will support a moderated dialogue between academia, institutions of public cultural life, promotion of culture, cultural politics, and (Jewish) stakeholders.
Thus, the forum sets research and cooperation impulses. Status meetings (every 2 years), workshops, and cross-cluster meetings (every year) will take place regularly. Joint book publications are going to be published as open access.
On an international level, Mercator-Fellows will be assigned to the forum.
Literature references for the annual themes
2023: Jewish Cultural Heritage in the Context of Critical Heritage Studies
Selected Literature
Laurajane Smith, “Editorial: A Critical Heritage Studies?”, International Journal of Heritage Studies 18(6), 2012: 533–40;
— Uses of heritage, London: Routledge, 2006
Tim Winter & Emma Waterton, “Editorial: Critical Heritage Studies”, International Journal of Heritage Studies 19(6), 2013: 529–31;
Tim Winter, “Clarifying the critical in critical heritage studies”, International Journal of Heritage Studies 19(6), 2013: 532–45.
Rodney Harrison, Heritage: Critical Approaches, London / New York: Routledge, 2012;
— “Critical heritage studies beyond epistemic popularism”, Antiquity 92(365), 2018: E9, 1–3;
Publication Series and Institutions
ACHS — Association of Critical Heritage Studies